Feel free to open an
[issue] for any bug, annoyance, suggestion!
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What's new:
- 2023.11.08: new bug introduced by previous bugfix : unable to drop different pieces at the same square now fixed (thx SKA_cz for informing me)
- 2023.07.22: same variations should only appear once
- 2023.07.09: chess.com provides the id of partner games again, every game should work again. If something is not working please file an issue on github (on a side note, I've kept the code that downloads both of the nearby games, so it should be one roundtrip faster, on the cost of making 1.5x times the requests to chess.com)
- 2023.06.02: coordinates added (code from onlinea.eu, originally by Wir)
- userscript fixed, improved, should redirect bughouse links from archive pages and member pages, also auto updates again ( code now updates and runs on other peoples computer, so much hassle to change it )
- bookmarklet fixed
- the bookmarklet and the userscript now recognise flips
the userscript does NOT auto update from now, so please update it manually
- code grabbed from onlinea.eu (SKA_cz and Wir) :
- drag and drop moves
- last moves are now highlighted
- some random bugs are now eliminated
- you can edit and save notes
- variations more intuitive